building with nature in mind
At our latest development, Highwood Grove, we are proud to announce that all of our Newbridge homes have been built with nature in mind…specifically bats.
With the increase in development of new building sites and redevelopment of older buildings, especially in rural areas, availability of roost sites for bat species is becoming more limited. However, bats can be encouraged to remain at old sites or colonise new ones by incorporating artificial roost spaces into the building during the build or renovation process.
The Habibat Bat Box is a large, solid box made of insulating concrete with an internal roost space, which can be incorporated into the fabric of a building as it is built or renovated. A variety of facings can be fitted to suit any existing brick, wood, stonework or rendered finish, rendering the box unobtrusive and aesthetically pleasing. The Habibat box is suitable for species which are most commonly found roosting in buildings in the UK, such as Pipistrelle, Natterer’s, Whiskered, and Brandt’s bats.